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Comfortable Living and Social Activities

At Assisted Living By Theresa, we deeply care about the well-being of our residents. As an example of our never-ending desire to create an engaging and positive atmosphere on our property, we offer a wide variety of activities that aim to keep residents motivated, engaged, and truly fulfilled in their daily lives. After an active day with friends or some quiet time spent in our garden, our accommodations provide the ideal homey environment to unwind from the day.

An old man is smiling

We Offer Numerous Ways to Get Involved

Our residents can enjoy a range of activities such as daily movies and performances, exercise classes like “Sit and Be Fit,” engaging games of Bingo, access to a well-stocked library, and even visits from local clergymen to meet their spiritual needs. We also take great pleasure in hosting visiting entertainers, including talented musicians and choral groups, to add a touch of joy and entertainment to our community. Additionally, we organize outings and other activities as opportunities arise, ensuring there’s always something exciting to look forward to.

A Look at Home Life at Assisted Living By Theresa

Our accommodations reflect the warm and welcoming atmosphere we strive to provide. Residents live in a beautiful family home nestled in a peaceful wooded area. The house has been thoughtfully transformed to meet the needs of our residents while maintaining the amenities of a typical assisted living facility. From the moment visitors and residents arrive, they’re greeted with a feeling of comfort and belonging. Each resident has their own furnished, semi-private bedroom equipped with essential amenities such as closets, dressers, nightstands, and telephones. Additionally, every bedroom has a connected bathroom with a shower.

Beautifully Landscaped Grounds

The home offers spacious and open areas where residents can freely socialize and spend time with one another. Unlike traditional nursing homes, we encourage our residents to move around and enjoy the company of others. The layout of our house promotes open space, creating a warm and inviting environment. Our lounges are carefully furnished with comfortable sofas, reclining chairs, televisions, and books, providing a cozy spot for relaxation. The picture windows in our lounges overlook the serene, wooded grounds, allowing natural sunlight to fill the space. Residents can also access a beautiful patio and grounds directly from the lounge, allowing them to take in the outdoor beauty.

Nurse is having a conversation with patient

Mealtimes Are Important to Our Community

Mealtimes are an ideal opportunity for residents to come together and enjoy delicious food in a family-style dining room. Neatly set tables, soft music playing in the background, and warm conversations create a relaxed and pleasurable dining experience. Our dedicated staff prepares meals on-site and ensures that special dietary needs are met, prioritizing nutrition and taste.

Schedule a Tour of Our Assisted Living Home

Surrounded by stunning wooded grounds, our home offers a tranquil haven for residents to relax and connect with nature. The vibrant colors of spring and fall never fail to captivate our residents and fill their hearts with joy. We understand the significance of creating a caring and nurturing environment, and our organization is committed to providing exemplary care and endless opportunities for our residents to thrive and find happiness. Contact us to schedule a free tour of our accommodations.

Our Values


Private Luxurious Home Setting


In-House Doctor Visits


Registered Nurse on Staff


Three Home Made Meals a Day + Snacks


Laundry Services


Assistance with Daily Living


Spacious, Wheelchair Accessible Rooms


Private Pay at Reasonable Rates


Daily Activities for Residents


In-House Beautician Visits

We Treat Our Residents With the Utmost Respect